S*Hallongrottans © 2008









Flamenco litter 2008                                  Moved


Estrella Morente         white blueeyed     TUA w 61                       Pedigree


Estrella Morente was born as no 4. All white, no coloured thumbprint. Could she be genetically all white? White just like a star - Estrella! Estrella has wonderfull blue eyes! She has a very strong character, going her own way.


Estrella is named after a young flamenco singer Estrella Morente. She sings a bit more modern flamenco, just like an angel.


Estrella has moved to New Zeeland with her sister Carmen. At the cattery VonImp they will be the first breeding cats of Turkish Angora in New Zeeland. The trip went very well and the girls arrived without any problems.


Estrella is expecting babies with CH (N) Veslegard's Ferid. The babies are due to november 2009.



Estrella in august 2009, 10 months old.




Estrella 6 months old.


Estrella in her new home at Von Imp cattery,

New Zealand.


So beautiful surroundings.

The sisters are settling in very well.

looking at the hen


Estrella 17 weeks old, relaxing in the heat over the radiator



Give me 5!




With brother Matador


Estrella 15 weeks





With Carmen hunting water



Estrella 14 weeks old

Estrella is the most slender kitten with nice muscular tone. Carmen is more doll-like.

I also want to sleep!

Much better with sister Carmen


Estrella 13 weeks old






with her beautiful blue eyes










.... sweet dreams


Etsrella 12 weeks old and listening to music



playing with brother Antonio




with sister Florita


 Estrella, 11 weeks old, with brothers Matador and Antonio




Estrella and Matador






                   Hiding for Santa Claus?


Estrella 10 weeks old with a new toy.

Wonder how long it will last?














Estrella and Florita


Estrella 9 weeks old



              Sleeping in my daughters knee


        Estrella in the middle with brother Matador and
             sister Florita in the cat tree



       chasing after mice in the sofa or?


Estrella 8 weeks old




    Estrella to the right with sister Florita to the left





At the vet waiting to do the BAER-test to check her hearing. Estrella is hearing perfect on both ears!


Estrella 7 weeks old






Sleeping next to Antonio

Florita, Estrella, Antonio and Matador



Estrella 6 weeks old




with sister Florita



with brother Matador, black and white


Estrella 5 weeks old with her breakfast of swedish quality catfood



Estrella with brother Matador





Estrella 4 weeks old with brother Camaron






With sister Carmen



Etsrella 3 weeks old







Estrella with brother Antonio


Estrella 2½ weeks old


Estrella and Antonio



2 weeks old

Now her eyes are fully opened and most probably blue!



Profile, gentle slope





1½ week old. She has most probably blue eyes, but does not open them som often.


One week old


Five days


Five days and already dirty ears?


Newly born, just a few minutes old.


Señor Matador         Antonio Gades        Camaron de la Isla


              Carmen Amaya              Señorita Florita


                   All photos: Margareta Wallentén








Margareta Wallentén

Vittnesgränden 35

226 47 Lund
